Building, Thinking - Dwelling

Dimensions Variable - Found wooden crates, screws

In Heidiggers essay 'Building Dwelling and Thinking' he stipulated that to dwell is to cultivate a relationship with your surrounding. 

Large communal concourse type areas that often have no seating have become a 
dumping ground for communal waste. I am interested in looking at how these spaces 
can be re-activated, by using the detritus that is left in them. In a recent work I found two 
discarded wooden pallets in a housing estate (which has recently had its benches 
removed to discourage loitering). I made the crates into four chairs and a table before 
returning them to the same spot where I found them. I think that it is interesting to use 
materials and areas that have fallen out of the system of the city and to re-evaluate them to give them a value and position back into society. 

Although I dont specifically claim for these works to transform their context I think it is interesting to develop ideas of value and of place to these nondescript, disrespected areas. My aim is to provide a construct whereby an organic relationship to the space can be prompted.